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Elm Creek Elementary School students master outdoor survival

Elm Creek Elementary School students master outdoor survival

Fourth graders at Elm Creek Elementary School recently had the opportunity to visit the Eastman Nature Center to learn important winter survival skills. The students had a blast during their day outdoors and learned what they would need to survive if they were ever stranded outside in the winter.


After learning a little about what needs are most important in a winter survival situation, the students headed outdoors to put their skills to the test. They worked in teams of four to build shelters using fallen logs, branches and leaves to protect them from the cold, wind and snow. 

Student in nature

The students then learned about how to build a fire, including what materials they needed and the importance of safety. They practiced arranging kindling and logs in a pattern to allow proper airflow. The hands-on activities required teamwork and responsibility.  

Students in a stick shelter

Elm Creek has a partnership with Eastman Nature Center, which is operated by the Three Rivers Park District. Students in every grade have one field trip per year to the center to learn about and experience the outdoors. All of the field trips align with state standards and allow the students unique learning opportunities outside of the classroom. 

Students learning outdoors